Korean For All 1 Chapter 12: ~(으)러 가다/ 오다, ~(으)로, Korean noun +도

Korean For All 1 Chapter 12: ~(으)러 가다/ 오다, ~(으)로, Korean noun +도

Traveling in Korea – Mastering ~(으)러 가다 & More!


안녕하세요, 여러분! (Hello, everyone!)

Today, we’ll learn:

✅ How to say “I’m going somewhere to do something” with ~(으)러 가다/오다
✅ How to use 로/으로 to describe methods or tools
✅ How to use to say “also” or “too”
✅ Travel-related vocabulary and expressions


1. Essential Vocabulary – Traveling & Directions

Before we jump into grammar, here are some useful travel-related words!


English Korean Pronunciation
Weekend 주말 jumal
Where 어디 eodi
To see/watch 보다 boda
Bus 버스 beoseu
About (approx.) 정도 jeongdo
Hwaseong Fortress 수원화성 Suwon Hwaseong
How 어떻게 eotteoke
To take time 걸리다 geollida
Ribs 갈비 galbi
On foot 걸어서 georeoseo
Side dishes 반찬 banchan


📌 Useful Expressions:

  • “주말에 뭐 해요?” (What do you do on the weekend?)
  • “어떻게 가요?” (How do you go?)
  • “버스로 가요.” (I go by bus.)

2. Grammar Spotlight: ~(으)러 가다/오다

Use ~(으)러 가다/오다 to express going somewhere in order to do something.

How to Use:

If the verb stem ends in a vowel or ㄹ, use 러 가다/오다
If the verb stem ends in a consonant, use 으러 가다/오다


  • 공연을 보다 → 공연을 보러 가요. (I’m going to watch a performance.)
  • 놀다 → 놀러 와요. (Come to hang out.)
  • 먹다 → 먹으러 가요. (I’m going to eat.)
  • 책을 읽다 → 책을 읽으러 와요. (I’m coming to read a book.)

💡 TIP: Some verbs change irregularly!

  • 듣다 → 들으러 가요 (I’m going to listen.)
  • 돕다 → 도우러 가요 (I’m going to help.)

3. Grammar Spotlight: Using 로/으로 for Methods & Tools

Use 로/으로 to describe how you do something!


If the noun ends in a vowel or ㄹ, add
If the noun ends in a consonant, add 으로


  • 기차 → 기차로 가요. (I go by train.)
  • 지하철 → 지하철로 가요. (I go by subway.)
  • 트럭 → 트럭으로 가요. (I go by truck.)
  • 젓가락 → 젓가락으로 먹어요. (I eat with chopsticks.)

🎯 Practice: Try making your own sentences with 로/으로!


4. Grammar Spotlight: Using 도 for “Also”

The particle is super easy! Just add after a noun to say “also” or “too.”



  • 저도 한국 음식을 좋아해요. (I also like Korean food.)
  • 수현 씨도 멋져요. (Suhyun is also cool.)
  • 저는 과일을 좋아해요. 저도 고기를 좋아해요. (I like fruit. I also like meat.)

📌 Practice Tip: Try using in multiple sentences!


5. K-Culture Corner – Public Transportation in Korea


Korea has one of the best public transportation systems in the world! 🚆

The Metro – Seoul has 17 subway lines connecting almost every part of the city. Just grab a T-money card for easy payments!
Buses – Color-coded for easy navigation. No eating or drinking allowed!
Bikes – Seoul has 800+ rental stations for eco-friendly travel.


💡 TIP: Download KakaoMetro or Naver Maps for real-time transit info!


6. Your Homework!


✅ Write three sentences using ~(으)러 가다/오다
✅ Practice using 로/으로 to describe methods of travel
✅ Complete exercises on pages 118-120 in your textbook
✅ Watch a K-drama and listen for in conversations!

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