Korean For All 1 Chapter 12: ~(으)러 가다/ 오다, ~(으)로, Korean noun +도

Traveling in Korea – Mastering ~(으)러 가다 & More!
안녕하세요, 여러분! (Hello, everyone!)
Today, we’ll learn:
✅ How to say “I’m going somewhere to do something” with ~(으)러 가다/오다
✅ How to use 로/으로 to describe methods or tools
✅ How to use 도 to say “also” or “too”
✅ Travel-related vocabulary and expressions
1. Essential Vocabulary – Traveling & Directions
Before we jump into grammar, here are some useful travel-related words!
English | Korean | Pronunciation |
Weekend | 주말 | jumal |
Where | 어디 | eodi |
To see/watch | 보다 | boda |
Bus | 버스 | beoseu |
About (approx.) | 정도 | jeongdo |
Hwaseong Fortress | 수원화성 | Suwon Hwaseong |
How | 어떻게 | eotteoke |
To take time | 걸리다 | geollida |
Ribs | 갈비 | galbi |
On foot | 걸어서 | georeoseo |
Side dishes | 반찬 | banchan |
📌 Useful Expressions:
- “주말에 뭐 해요?” (What do you do on the weekend?)
- “어떻게 가요?” (How do you go?)
- “버스로 가요.” (I go by bus.)
2. Grammar Spotlight: ~(으)러 가다/오다
Use ~(으)러 가다/오다 to express going somewhere in order to do something.
How to Use:
✔ If the verb stem ends in a vowel or ㄹ, use 러 가다/오다
✔ If the verb stem ends in a consonant, use 으러 가다/오다
- 공연을 보다 → 공연을 보러 가요. (I’m going to watch a performance.)
- 놀다 → 놀러 와요. (Come to hang out.)
- 먹다 → 먹으러 가요. (I’m going to eat.)
- 책을 읽다 → 책을 읽으러 와요. (I’m coming to read a book.)
💡 TIP: Some verbs change irregularly!
- 듣다 → 들으러 가요 (I’m going to listen.)
- 돕다 → 도우러 가요 (I’m going to help.)
3. Grammar Spotlight: Using 로/으로 for Methods & Tools
Use 로/으로 to describe how you do something!
✔ If the noun ends in a vowel or ㄹ, add 로
✔ If the noun ends in a consonant, add 으로
- 기차 → 기차로 가요. (I go by train.)
- 지하철 → 지하철로 가요. (I go by subway.)
- 트럭 → 트럭으로 가요. (I go by truck.)
- 젓가락 → 젓가락으로 먹어요. (I eat with chopsticks.)
🎯 Practice: Try making your own sentences with 로/으로!
4. Grammar Spotlight: Using 도 for “Also”
The particle 도 is super easy! Just add 도 after a noun to say “also” or “too.”
- 저도 한국 음식을 좋아해요. (I also like Korean food.)
- 수현 씨도 멋져요. (Suhyun is also cool.)
- 저는 과일을 좋아해요. 저도 고기를 좋아해요. (I like fruit. I also like meat.)
📌 Practice Tip: Try using 도 in multiple sentences!
5. K-Culture Corner – Public Transportation in Korea
Korea has one of the best public transportation systems in the world! 🚆
The Metro – Seoul has 17 subway lines connecting almost every part of the city. Just grab a T-money card for easy payments!
Buses – Color-coded for easy navigation. No eating or drinking allowed!
Bikes – Seoul has 800+ rental stations for eco-friendly travel.
💡 TIP: Download KakaoMetro or Naver Maps for real-time transit info!
6. Your Homework!
✅ Write three sentences using ~(으)러 가다/오다
✅ Practice using 로/으로 to describe methods of travel
✅ Complete exercises on pages 118-120 in your textbook
✅ Watch a K-drama and listen for 도 in conversations!
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Posted in
korean grammar, level 1