What is Hangeul? An Introduction to the Korean Alphabet (한글)

What is Hangeul? An Introduction to the Korean Alphabet
Hangeul (한글) is one of the most scientific and systematic alphabets in the world. Designed by King Sejong of the Joseon Dynasty in 1443, Hangeul was created to make reading and writing accessible to everyone, regardless of their social class.
Key Facts About Hangeul
Meaning: “Han” (한) means Korean, and “Geul” (글) means letter. Together, Hangeul translates to "Korean letters."
Efficiency: Unlike other alphabets that evolved over time, Hangeul was deliberately designed to be easy to learn and logical.
Writing System: Hangeul is written from left to right, top to bottom.
Number of Characters: Hangeul consists of 19 consonants and 21 vowels, combining to form a total of 40 unique letters.
Structure: Each Korean syllable block combines consonants and vowels, always starting with a consonant. Blocks are constructed as either CV (Consonant + Vowel) or CVC (Consonant + Vowel + Final Consonant).
Unique Sounds: Korean doesn’t include the sounds F, R, V, or Z, which can make learning the language easier for those unfamiliar with complex consonants.
User Base: Over 80 million people globally speak Korean, making it the 13th most spoken language in the world.
Comparison with Other Languages: Unlike Chinese characters or Japanese Kanji, which require thousands of symbols, learning Hangeul only requires mastering 40 characters.
Example Words
가 (“Ga”): Made from the consonant ㄱ (“G”) and vowel ㅏ (“A”).
니가 (“Niga”): Combining consonants ㄴ (“N”), ㄱ (“G”), and vowels ㅏ (“A”), ㅎ (“I”).
바 (“Ba”): Combining consonant ㅂ (“B”) and vowel ㅏ (“A”).
아래 (“Are”): Includes vowels and consonants to demonstrate both CV and CVC forms.
Stay tuned for the next article, where we delve into the consonants of Hangeul.
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