Level 1

Korean For All 1 Chapter 3 : ~인이에요/이에요, 사람이에요, ~에서 왔어요, ~이/기 아니에요 Nationality in Korean
Mastering Nationality in Korean: Essential Vocabulary & Grammar When you visit Korea or meet Korean speakers, one of the most common questions you’ll hear is: “Where are you from?” In this lesson, we’ll learn how to express nationality, introduce where we come from, and even negate statements politely. Essential Vocabulary Let’s start with some fundamental words you’ll need: 어느 나라 (eoneu nara) – Which country 아니요 (aniyo) – No...

Korean For All 1 Chapter 2: 저는 ~예요/이에요, 이/가 뭐예요, Basic Korean Words
Learning Korean becomes exciting when you have the right tools at hand. In Chapter 2 of Korean For All 1, you'll build your foundation with everyday vocabulary and the grammar needed to introduce yourself and ask simple questions. This post covers all the key points and examples from the chapter, making it a handy guide for your studies. Vocabulary Highlights Before diving into grammar, the chapter familiarizes you with useful words...

Mastering Hangeul Final Consonants (받침_한글)
A Complete Guide to Korean Final Consonants (받침) with Pronunciation & Examples One of the most important yet challenging aspects of learning Korean pronunciation is 받침 (batchim), or final consonants in a syllable. Many Korean words end with a consonant sound, which affects pronunciation and sometimes changes the sound of the following syllable. This guide will explain everything about 받침, including how they work, pronunciation rules, and plenty of examples...

Mastering Hangeul Vowels (모음_한글)
A Comprehensive Guide to Korean Vowels: Pronunciation & Examples Korean, unlike English, has a phonetic alphabet called Hangul (한글), which consists of 14 consonants and 10 basic vowels, along with several diphthongs (combined vowels). If you want to learn Korean properly, understanding vowels is essential since they form the foundation of pronunciation. In this guide, we’ll explore all Korean vowels—their pronunciation, usage, and plenty of example words. 1. The 10...